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"Rabbit Hole" Off To WODL

Yesterday I got word that Guelph Little Theatre's production of "Rabbit Hole" will be going to the WODL Festival during March Break. Great News!

For those of you who don't know, WODL is the Western Ontario Drama League and each year in February many of the nearly thirty community theatres in the League submit plays for adjudication. Yesterday the five plays that will be featured in the Festival were announced in Windsor, the city hosting the festival this year. (Guelph hosted last year.)

The soundscape was designed by my friend Lawrence Murphy and he has done an excellent job on "Rabbit Hole". It's a varied soundscape with some subtle factors that really help set the scene. I'm sure his work played a significant role in the adjudicator's decision. Helping Lawrence is sound operator Rob Free who, while new to the technical aspects of theatre (he's a very good actor), has learned quickly and proved a great asset to the production.

So what's my role in this? A relatively small one. As director of sound for GLT it's up to me to tackle the technical aspects of making sure that Lawrence's soundscape can be reproduced on Windor's equipment without any loss of quality. The task starts at a production meeting this afternoon.

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