This Day in Audio/Tech History - August 19th
August 19, 1964 – Beatles’ 1st U.S./Canada Tour starts After an initial visit to the United States the previous February, the Beatles...

This Day In Audio/Tech History - August 17th
First commercial music CDs made. On August 17, 1982 the first commercial music CDs were manufactured, pressed in Langenhagen, (near...

This Day in Audio/Tech History - August 12th
August 12, 1877 - Edison invents the phonograph. As is often the case, the phonograph was created as a result of working on improvements...

This Day in Audio/Tech History - August 11th
AUGUST 11, 1942 - Hedy Markey and George Antheil received a U.S. patent for a frequency-hopping device intended to protect Allied...

This Day in Audio/Tech History - August 10th
On this day in 1937 the United States Patent Office recognized George D. Beauchamp as the inventor of the electric guitar with the award...

"Rabbit Hole" Off To WODL
Yesterday I got word that Guelph Little Theatre's production of "Rabbit Hole" will be going to the WODL Festival during March Break....

Rainbow Chorus 20th Anniversary
It was a pleasure this year to once again work with the Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo/Wellington. For 20 years this amazing group of people...